Heat treatment is a very wide expression for change of ductility/formability of metals, from recrystallization annealing, solution annealing, stress relief, blue annealing, patenting etc. Plasmait Technology allows for any kind of processing, whereas the main targets are recrystallization and solution annealing. Our process follows the throughput and adjusts the power into the process according to the pre-programmed recipe.

Main advantages of Plasma Annealing are:

  • Equal heating throughout the material, resulting in very consistent grain size throughout the diameter

  • Very precise power input and, thus, temperature control

  • Improved surface properties (passivation, cleaning)

  • Improved fatigue properties (toughness)

  • Improved deformation capability

  • Improved electrical properties (relevant for copper, aluminium and welding wire)

  • No waiting time for temperature change


Surface Treatment is a very wide expression of a number of surface cleaning and/or activation treatments from simple degreasing to surface oxide removal, descaling, controlled surface oxidation, colouring, surface nitriding, etc. Plasmait technology enables all of the above and other types of metals surface treatments.

Main Advantages of Plasma Surface Treatment are:

  • Substantial production cost savings due to lean production.

  • Drastic reduction in energy consumption per kg/ton of product (up to 50% of the power required is saved). For example, Plasmait SUPREX product energy consumption is lower than the consumption of the induction coil for the preheating of the material itself, without considering all the other steps necessary for a good coating.

  • Superior adhesion compared to any other method.

  • No use of chemicals (handling and cost reduction).

  • No water consumption (or in the case of water pre-treatment max 5l/ton); NO WASTEWATER.

  • Clean, low noise and healthy environment for operators.

  • Quick start and stop of the process.

  • Higher flexibility in mechanical properties and more uniform properties when annealing is done inline.

  • Other advantages offered by plasma technology, such as better fatigue properties of the material, better electromechanical properties of the material, which in turn reduces motor winding faults and improves lifetime and reliability of the drive.


Plasmait technology can provide any of the above as well as any combination of its unique heating/annealing solutions with surface processing to targeted requirements.

Plasmait heat and surface treatment solutions are designed for applications with demanding mechanical and surface requirements. Plasma treatment is conducted in controlled atmosphere to ensure distinct surface cleanliness and un-compromised surface quality.

In Plasmait we design, build and supply production machinery for continuous and batch applications into the ferrous and non-ferrous metals industry. Continuous heat and surface treatment machinery is supplied mainly to the wire, cable, tube and strip manufacturers.

We offer solutions for both areas of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.


  • Stainless steel and steel alloys

  • Steel (low and mid carbon steel types)

  • Nickel and nickel alloys

  • Solutions for resistive alloys


  • Copper and copper alloys

  • Aluminium and aluminium alloys

  • High temperature materials
    (Wo, Mo, Ta)

  • Precious metals

The industry applications of Plasmait treated metals are wide reaching and numerous with many underlying industries being served by Plasmait treated and processed products:

  • Photovoltaic (PV) panels

  • Automotive electric vehicles (EV)

  • Electric infrastructure

  • Medical

  • Aerospace and aviation

  • Watch and jewellery

  • Military and many more…